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Confidence and certainty about your style
Stuck in a fashion rut? Want to reinvent your wardrobe without spending a fortune? I have tips and ideas to help in creating your dream wardrobe and one that will match your personality with your clothing.
Be no longer disoriented or bored with your looks or unhappy with a style that no longer fits you after a change in your life.
Instead, I enthusiastically show you the 3 steps towards your dream wardrobe:
Ideas and inspiration - Knowing what suits you - Instructions for stylish application
Find more sense of style and more confidence 🧡!

I am a graduate fashion designer and colour expert and show you how to become confident in your own style and how to shape your personal dream wardrobe.
Your style coach - for more WOW in front of your mirror! Creative & sustainable, empathetic & cheerful.
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My Personal Shopper
Silke Gerloff
Ernst-Griesheimer-Platz 6
63071 Offenbach
Phone: 069 / 26 91 38 83
Cell: 0171 / 4 21 74 56

Ordnung zuhause macht es leichter
Momentan benötigen wir Platz mehr als Neues, denn mit allen Lieben zuhause wird es eng. Um Aufräumen zu können, braucht es aber Platz in den Schränken.
Zusammen haben wir beim Aussortieren der Schränke im Nullkommanichts wieder Ordnung geschaffen, on- oder offline. Oder entscheiden Sie sich gleich für den Aufbau einer Capsule Wardrobe?
Further Reading

I am the head of The Personal Look:
I like people and my motivation in life is to create aesthetics and beauty. Both combined let me enthusiastically help my female and male customers located in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main area be satisfied with their personal look. My empathy allows me to get a deep insight into my customers needs by listening carefully. This results in a trustworthy teamwork. I am not longing for the perfect moment on Instagram, but for your natural and appealing charisma in everyday life! Clothing does matter... Tell me: Who are you :-)? Does this idea appeal to you?
Further Reading

Sustainable shopping with The Personal Look
I love nature and hence I care about it, but without dogma. What do I stand for? In case of doubt buy less, choose wisely the perfect item. Aim for good quality and buy more in shops than online. Support with your purchases the regional designers rather than Amazon. And always treat clothing and its manufacturers with respect, because the production of clothing requires a great effort and high expenses. Beyond that it pollutes the environment. Simply choose with consciousness! Of course you have to know: WHAT shall I buy? So please book my new sustainable shopping tour.
Further Reading

Style consultation on-site: The most individual it can be!
I believe: Effective changes of your wardrobe are made together at your home! Not online, not in the shop, not in the studio - but where home is for your personality and your clothes. Therefore with my mobile consulting service I offer a wide range of sessions to choose from. Whether we decide to keep as much or as little as needed in your wardrobe, to define your colour type and your style, to create your perfect business wardrobe or to mix and match creatively your clothes is all up to you! We draw from your existing wardrobe in the first place. In return, this also helps the environment. Only then the city becomes our place of work for targeted purchases. Sounds good? - Does make sense and brings a further step to your goal: be in love with your style!
Further Reading
The Personal Look comes in a new dress. Even the best website needs a rebrush every now and then. Therefore I gave The Personal Look a completely new styling and added a whole lot of new products and functions. Now you can book my services online right away (if you wish to) and the entire site is fun to use on every device and screen, may it be large or small. After months of work I have to admit that I’m somewhat proud about the result. Enjoy my new website, and if you like to give me some feedback you are kindly invited.